Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm a loner, and very selective.

I’m more of a loner than most people. Other people tend to have an array of friends. But I have very few. And occasionally I may even go without friends. Yes, I can be a lone wolf. I carry on a bit of friendly correspondence. Rarely with men. Mostly, with women. Anyway, I was a loner even when I was married. My really only deep human contact was with Jeanne. But Jeanne died. And now I have another love. That gets me by. Yes, I’m really a loner. But one thing. I’m more sociable than most people. Or so I think. In that I’ll readily cultivate contact with total strangers. More out of curiosity. Not to become friends. Thing is, I’m really not anti-social. But I don’t cultivate many long-lasting friendships. Maybe that’s what makes me a loner. I’m really quite careful and selective about my most intimate relationships. –Jim Broede

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