Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a master at being crazy.

As some of you know, I have crazy thoughts. I like to be known as Crazy Jim. And in order for me to do that, I have to be crazy. Really crazy. Otherwise, I’d be a fake. So I practice being crazy. Almost daily. Occasionally, I slip. And act as if I’m sane. But I’m really not. I’m faking it when I act sane. I was born crazy. And I’ve managed to stay that way. Rather consistently. Actually, I’m quite comfortable being crazy. Because this is a crazy world. If I were sane, I wouldn’t fit. I’d be a misfit. I suppose we are all crazy. To some degree. But I pride myself in being crazier than most. I’ve practiced the skill of being crazy. Really, I’ve developed craziness into an art form. I’m a master at it. My goal is to be the craziest being on Earth. Maybe even in the entire cosmos. –Jim Broede, aka Crazy Jim.

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