Saturday, March 26, 2011

I've learned to beat the system.

We all live oppressed lives. To some degree. In that we aren’t ever completely free to do as we please. Without risking, in many instances, dire consequences. Because there are rules. And laws. And bullies. And tyrants. I’m far more free in the USA than I would be in Libya, I suppose. Although maybe if I were an Arab, I’d rather live in Libya. For one reason or another. I might even have been reared to accept Gadhafi as my political leader. After all, we are all capable of being brainwashed. For evidence of that, look at the Germans who rallied behind Hitler. Yes, the world is a strange place. Maybe mysterious, too. Some of us are caught up in systems that we don’t particularly like. But as individuals, we can’t change ‘em. And we find ourselves going along with stuff we don’t like. Even here in America. I don’t like the fact that I live in an oligarchy. That the ruling elite are rich people and big corporations. And politicians that have been bought with money. Rather than votes. A Wall Street banker has far more say so than me. That’s just a fact of life. Yes, special interests get served. Far more than the common good. Of course, occasionally there are mass movements. For change. But even those movements are corrupted by the ruling elite. Because they know how to maneuver. To cheat. To retain vast amounts of power. That’s just the way it is. Therefore, things won’t change that much. No matter where one lives. We common folks will be oppressed. To some significant degree. But in my case, I still find ways to live. Happily. And in love. In a sense, I’ve learned to beat the system. –Jim Broede

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