Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One can't do it all.

My most friendly neighbors are a couple living several doors up the road. They occasionally have me over for dinner. And I’ll take them out, too. Last year, they sent out a feeler. Wondering if I’d consider becoming a part-time professional care-giver. To her parents, who are living with them. Both in their 80s. And with some degree of dementia. Maybe even Alzheimer’s. But I have no desire to get back into the role of care-giver. After being one for 13 years. To my dear Jeanne, who died 4 years ago. Anyway, I’m busy with other things. Not the least being living with my Italian true love. In Sardinia. For most of the winter. And maybe for longer than that in the future. I’d like to start living in Italy for half of the year. In late autumn, winter and early spring. Meanwhile, I worry a little bit about my neighbors. And the task they face. In trying to care for two aging parents at the same time that they work virtually full-time. Of course, they bring in hired care-givers when they are at work. But still, it’s a grind. I admire their efforts. Their devotion. Their love. But still, it’s physically and mentally draining. Stressful. Discouraging. I think the day is fast coming when the couple may have to put the parents into assisted living. For everyone’s sake. I know that’s sad. But that’s the nature of life. One can’t do it all. And sometimes it boils down to hard choices. –Jim Broede

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