Saturday, March 12, 2011

We can do better.

We Americans have plenty of money. So many resources. The problem isn't lack of money. Rather, it's the distribution of the wealth. So much of the money is in the hands of a few. The filthy and obscenely rich. Oligarchs. If we took more of the money from the rich and gave it to the middle class and the poor, we'd be better off as a nation. We'd be serving the common good. I'm for more equality. For the narrowing of the gap between the rich and the poor. We'll always have rich and poor amongst us. But we can have more equality. A more decent society. Less selfish attitudes. I'd like to see limits on the accumulation of monetary wealth by individuals. A better defining of moral right and moral wrong. We won't ever have a perfect society. But we can do better. --Jim Broede

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