Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We can't do everything.

Occasionally I stumble on someone on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Indeed, that’s a sad state of affairs. Usually, it’s because one feels overwhelmed. Often by too many responsibilities, too many demands. The best cure-all, I suppose, is to get away from it all. For an extended period of time. But I tell ‘em to start living moment to moment. Handle only one moment at a time. Don’t move on to the next moment until you’ve completed the present moment. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Eventually, one learns to live an hour at a time. Then two hours. And maybe even a day at a time. One has to slow down. Savor the moment. Savor life. Unfortunately, we humans tend to rush through life. We try to do too many things. Some of us even try to be all things to all people. Which is idiotic. Instead, we have to learn to pick and choose. To establish our priorities. Because we can’t do everything. –Jim Broede

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