Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am what I am.

Happy people tend to be themselves. They like themselves. I awakened with that thought this morning. The unhappy ones don’t like themselves. They want to become another being. Or it could be that they’ve never learned to be. They’d rather not be. Yes, it’s a question of to be or not to be. I’m sure that some people were born to be unhappy. Which is all right. That is, if they fully know they want to be unhappy. In a sense, that makes them happy. If it’s consciously recognized that’s their divine mission in life. Strange as it may seem, I know people that shun happiness. Because that makes them unhappy. They dread the thought of not being their real selves. Can’t blame ‘em. As for me, I gotta be happy. I have to find a way. To be genuinely happy. No matter what. Not just fake happy. I have to be pursuing happiness. Always. That’s why I’m a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. I am what I am. And I accept it. Happily. –Jim Broede

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