Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm the true patriot.

I consider myself an exceptionally good citizen of the USA. A true patriot. Because I’m not gonna buy into the typical Republican crap. Which tells us government ain’t good. That we need less of it. That it’s all right to have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. And to hell with the common good. Long live capitalism. And let’s privatize Social Security and Medicare. Yes, that’s right. I’m not buying into any of that Republican crap. Because that’s what it is. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap keeps coming out of the Republican mouths. Republicans have turned into full-fledged asses. And some of ‘em are in Congress. Even my own congresswoman in the 6th district of Minnesota. Michele Bachmann. She’s gotta be the looniest Republican this side of hell. And I’m not gonna take her crap. And if that means that I have to find other places in the world to live, so be it. But I’ll split my time. Between here and abroad. So that I can wage a fight. To defeat Bachmann. To defeat Republicans. To get America back on track again. I’m the true patriot. Bachmann isn’t. She’d destroy America. –Jim Broede

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