Monday, April 25, 2011

We all have a voice.

I don’t mind being an American. As long as I can sound off. Speak my mind. Speak my piece. Maybe that’s the nicest thing about being American. Having the freedom of speech. If I don’t like something, I can spout off. Right here in this blog, for instance. Maybe it’s good that I have a limited audience. Helps to keep me out of trouble. But it gives me a sense of freedom. Maybe it’s more the Internet that makes me free. More than living in America. Because I’m connected no matter where I’m living in the world. We all have a forum now. We can create our own blogs. Edit our own copy. Publish, in a sense. That even gives us the freedom to be idiots. Yes, Republicans. Of course, I choose another course. I’d rather be intelligent. And anything but a Republican. But we all have a voice. If we choose to use it. –Jim Broede

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