Monday, April 25, 2011

Seeing how other people live.

I’m fortunate. In that I don’t have to live in America. I can come and go. I can be cosmopolitan. I travel about. And I’m well aware that there are things wrong with America. Because I see other parts of the world. Where life is better. Because it’s more civil. More decent. More congenial. I’ll be the first to admit that life ain’t perfect abroad. But it’s closer to my conception of Paradise. Because life moves at a slower pace. And the focus is more on serving the common good. That’s why other industrialized nations have socialized medicine. And less of a gap between the rich and the poor. Yes, a better distribution of the wealth. Reminds me that life could be better in the USA. But I’m really not complaining. Because I adapt. I find ways to make the best of life. Such as spending time away from America. Seeing how other people live. More and more, I’m thinking of myself as a citizen of the world. –Jim Broede

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