Sunday, April 3, 2011

I believe in miracles.

Baseball, and especially the Chicago Cubs, has helped teach me to accept life pretty much as it is. That there are outcomes that I can’t change. So I might as well accept ‘em. I’ve been waiting all of my life for the Cubs to win the World Series. And it probably ain’t gonna happen. The last time they did win was in 1908. And I was born in 1935. But if absence of the Cubs in the winner’s circle is the worst thing to occur in my life – well, then life has been pretty good. I’ve had some bad things happen. Such as the loss of loved ones. People dear and close to me. So if the Cubs keep losing forever, it’s no big deal. Funny as it may seem, in my younger days it was a big deal. I became glum and disconsolate because the Cubs lost a game they should have won. But I’m over that. I merely get annoyed for a few minutes. And then get over it. But that doesn’t stop me from predicting every spring that the Cubs will go all the way this year. Knowing full well that I’m a liar. Though I do keep deceiving myself. And actually do believe it to some degree. In that I believe in miracles. –Jim Broede

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