Thursday, April 7, 2011

I go with my natural flow.

Here’s the way I look at life. One deals with one’s issues the best way one can. And if something doesn’t get resolved to one’s total satisfaction, one still gets on with life. Yes, make the best of the situation. And don’t lose too much sleep. Over anything. Stay rested. Stay relaxed. To the best of my ability. I try to not get too upset over anything. Especially over things over which I have no control. Which means I have to continuously learn acceptance. And to focus on what makes me reasonably happy. I try to not sweat the small stuff. And to not even sweat the big stuff over which I have virtually no control. Such as the political situation. Or the outcome of a ball game. Guess I have control over my attitude. Toward life. I can choose whether I become angry or upset. Yes, I can control my emotions to some significant degree. I try to avoid negative emotions. And I try to savor positive emotions. Mostly, I try to focus on loving thoughts. On thoughts that tend to make me a romantic idealist. Because that’s what I want to be. More than anything. A romantic idealist. Which means I’ll sometimes be mistaken for a fool. Which is all right. Because I don’t mind being crazy in love. With someone. Or with life, period. Yes, I’m able to get carried away. To go off deep ends. And I’m proud of it. I’ll take risks. Because I like the spirit of adventure. Of going with the flow. But that doesn’t make me a conformist. Instead, just the opposite. A maverick. Because I go with my natural flow. Not the flow dictated by society or others. –Jim

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