Thursday, April 21, 2011

I have a unique vantage point.

Maybe some people really don’t know themselves. Because they don’t know how to think. To probe. Their inner depths. Could be that even the thought of it scares ‘em. Or maybe it’s too difficult. I make it a point to go exploring daily. Inward. Excavating. Digging into myself. Maybe that makes me self-absorbed. But not necessarily. Because I’m also analyzing how I relate to other people. And how they relate to me. There can be a big difference. On how I see them. And they see me. I find myself in a strange world. One that I won’t ever fully understand. But I know one thing. I’m me. And in a sense, I’m living in my own world. I can see it. From inside me. And nobody else has that unique vantage point. –Jim Broede

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