Thursday, April 21, 2011

Understanding the nature of hell.

I can’t think of a form of life any lower than that of politician. And specifically, a Republican. That’s the scum of the Earth. Some people tell me they don’t like rats or snakes or other kind of vermin. But such animals don’t bother me. I like all forms of animal life. Except for Republican politician. I’m assuming god created Republicans. I’m not sure what he had in mind. Or maybe it was an experiment that went bad. Seems to me that god should have immediately corrected his mistake. Canceled out the Republican and started all over. Or it could be that god wanted to show mankind that even he’s capable of making horrid mistakes. Or it could be that god has a mean streak. And he wanted humans to suffer. Even more than Jesus suffered on the cross. By subjecting us to the presence of Republicans in our lives. So that we’d have a better understanding about the nature of hell. –Jim Broede

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