Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I like memorable first meetings.

I’m naturally curious about people. That’s why I cultivate strangers. I wanna know something about ‘em. Right from the start. Preferably, what makes ‘em tick. What turns ‘em on. Their attitudes. Their pulse beats. And I quickly volunteer that I’m a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. I get to the important and significant things. First. And I expect the stranger to do the same. Well, maybe not fully expect. Instead, I expect to draw ‘em out. Sooner or later. And preferably sooner. That’s how I make small talk. By startling people. By getting to the crux of the matter. Putting the stranger on the spot. By asking questions they may not want to answer. Maybe even embarrassing questions. I figure, what the heck? Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. I like memorable first meetings. –Jim Broede

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