Thursday, April 14, 2011

The awakening of a sleeping giant.

Finally, Barack Obama has awakened. Finally, he sounds pissed. In the reasonably polite Obama way. But still royally pissed. Over the way the Republicans would balance the nation’s budget. In the most inhumane way. By stealing from the poor and the middle class. And giving it all to the rich. Especially the super rich. Obama served notice in a speech yesterday that he won’t allow that to happen while he’s president. Instead, he’ll take a progressive approach. The humane way. By making the rich pay higher taxes. The rich have been given tax break after tax break under the Republicans. The GOP would have the rich paying at the lowest tax rates since 1931. At a time when the poor and the middle class are financially beleaguered. The Republicans would even privatize Medicare and Social Security. But Obama has served notice. No way will that happen. Yes, the Republicans have finally awakened a sleeping giant. –Jim Broede

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