Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'd be an outcast.

If Republicans are allowed to shape the future of America, then I don’t wanna live here any more. Because Republicans pretty much support everything that I abhor. Politically. Economically. Socially. America would not be my America anymore. I would be ready to say adios. I’d much rather live in Italy or Germany or Britain or Sweden or Iceland or Canada. But I’m hopeful that most Americans will reject the Republicans’ vision of the future. And that the common good will be served. Instead of the good of rich people. Especially the very rich. The Republicans are out to screw the poor and the middle class. Economically and politically. And they’d discriminate socially against anyone that doesn’t meet Republicans' bigoted moral standards. If you ain’t white and monetarily rich, you’d be in trouble in a Republican-run nation. I’d be an outcast. –Jim Broede

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