Thursday, April 21, 2011

I still believe in America.

I can’t tell for sure if Republicans are the shrewdest, most cunning politicians in the world. Or, the dumbest. Because what Republicans stand for sounds idiotic and immoral and just what a majority of the American people don’t want. Yet, Republicans have concocted a majority in Congress. So maybe a case can be made it’s the American people that are stupid. Not the Republicans. The Republicans keep advocating more and more tax cuts for the rich. And the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare as we know it. Yes, the greatest social programs we’ve ever had to benefit the poor and the middle class. It’s as if the Republicans think they can get away with all of this. Pull it off. I don’t think they can. I’m going with my instinct that the Republicans are stupid. And about to commit political suicide in the 2012 elections. But then, I’ve been wrong before. And I could be wrong again. So I’m keeping live my option to flee America. To live elsewhere. And give up being an American. But still, deep down, I’m the eternal optimist. Believing that America will still miraculously find its way. –Jim Broede

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