Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When silence is appropriate.

I’m really a very good listener. Much better than some people surmise. For instance, the other day I was taken to task by someone miffed, maybe even pissed, because I hadn’t replied to several emails. Therefore, it was a one-sided dialogue, so to speak. Because I wasn’t participating. But the point I wish to make is that I was participating. By listening. In silence. That’s the mark of a good listener. He listens. And tries to keep his mouth shut. Rather than preaching or analyzing or giving advice. The person writing to me really needed a listener. Much more so than advice. In a sense, I was being a psychiatrist. Listening to the patient. Allowing the patient to talk things out. There’s a time to speak. And a time to remain silent. I know when silence is appropriate. –Jim Broede

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