Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'd like a self-correcting god.

I really don’t want things to go my way all of the time. That would be awful. I want some adversity. Really. Maybe god doesn’t have adversity. But I’m human. Imperfect. Vulnerable. And often enough, things don’t go right. I can’t be like god. By dictating all outcomes. Although, now that I think about it, maybe god wants to be human, too. And therefore leaves outcomes to chance. Random chance. Yes, it’s quite possible that god just lets things happen. Without intervening. Maybe god is watching us. Much like we humans watch a football or baseball game. Not knowing who’s gonna win. For all god knows, maybe we’ll destroy ourselves. Annihilate each other. It’s possible that god created humans just so he could be entertained. Of course, god could end the game at any time. Erase us all. And start all over again. With a new kind of creation. With innovations. By correcting mistakes he made the first time around. I’d like that. –Jim Broede

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