Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here's the low-down on Trump.

I think Donald Trump is a foreigner. An illegal immigrant. Masquerading as an American born citizen. If he has a birth certificate showing that he was born in New York City, it’s probably bogus. Trump is talking about running for president. But sounds to me like it’s a sham. He really won’t run. Because he knows he was born in Patagonia. And that disqualifies him for the presidency. You gotta have been born in the U.S. There’s no doubt that two of Trump’s ex-wives were foreign born. He’s got foreign connections. Of course, Trump is making a big issue of Barack Obama’s place of birth. He said he has serious doubts about Obama’s claim that he was born in Hawaii. Trump and his Republican cronies also have speculated that Obama may be a secret Muslim. But I have information that suggests that Trump is a secret Hindu who wants to turn the U.S. into a Hindu theocracy. –Jim Broede

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