Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God may be a black dude.

I’m learning to accept the USA as a racist country. Begrudgingly. And sadly. But I recognize there’s nothing I can really do about it. Racism is engrained in the American soul. Was from the very beginning. And I don’t know how we rid the nation of it. It just is. And probably always will be. I thought for a while that we were making great strides. By electing Barrack Obama as president. Of course, it helped that he had 96 percent of the black vote. A big chunk of white Americans are racist. Especially Republicans. And especially the conservative ones. Of course, there’s hardly any such thing as a moderate Republican any more. Republicans are in deep anguish because a black man occupies the White House. That galls them no end. They can’t accept a black man as a true American. So they imagine that Obama is an imposter. Not a real American. They so much want to believe that he was foreign born. To the point that they actually believe it. Based on faith alone. Like a belief in god. By the way, Republicans believe that god is white. But I’m guessing that god is a black dude. And that could thwart white Republicans’ plans to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. –Jim Broede

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