Friday, April 15, 2011

Insincere, double-talk politicians.

Politicians talk out of two sides of their mouths. And they are about as insincere as anyone can get. For instance, take Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who chairs the House Budget Committee. Here’s what Barack Obama had to say about Ryan yesterday in off-the-cuff remarks: "When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure, he's just being America's accountant ... This is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill -- but wasn't paid for ... So it's not on the level."

Yes, folks, Ryan has a grand plan for balancing the budget. By gouging poor people and the middle class. By privatizing everything from Social Security to Medicare. Giving insurance companies opportunities to milk obscene profits. Opportunities to screw us all. Opportunities to make the poor poorer and the rich richer. A typical Republican. It’s an example of the essence of evil. A way to work against the common good. And until we Americans confront it, we’ll have insincere, double-talking politicians such as Ryan. –Jim Broede

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