Saturday, April 30, 2011

On seeing the light.

In my lexicon, profit often is a dirty word. Especially when it comes to serving the common good. One must eliminate profit. And provide services more or less at cost. For the benefit of society as a whole. Health care is only one example. Public services, in general, should come without building in enormous profits. Especially when those profits go into the pockets of a few. Yes, exploiters. In our capitalist society, we tolerate such stuff. That’s why we have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Centuries from now we may look back on the capitalist era as grossly unfair and immoral. Just as immoral as slavery was in the 18th and 19th century. It took a while to see the light. To fully express and live by more decent and humane moral standards. –Jim Broede

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