Saturday, April 30, 2011

Protector of the common good.

Seems to me that some people hate government just for the sake of hating government. And maybe it’s because they are in the private sector. And they see the government as unfair competition. Because it’s possible for government to provide services without a profit motive. Merely for the common good. Yes, government can in some instances do things cheaper. And that often benefits the consumer. That’s why I’m for a single-payer health care system. In the long-run, it may prove to be the most efficient. And help to lower costs. To the consumer. Guess I’m suggesting that good health care should be a right. For everyone. Not just for the rich. And if we are to get it, we need extensive government involvement. Including government regulation. For the purpose of protecting the consumer interest. More so than the desire of providers to reap enormous profits. Seems to me that the high cost of all sorts of things are the result of ungawdly profits going to the private sector. Yes, rip-offs. In the health care industry. In the energy market, too. The high price of gasoline comes at a time that the energy companies are making record-high profits. Bilking consumers. So that a relatively few wheeler-dealers can become richer and richer. Seems to me that ain’t fair. And that government can bring more fairness into the market. Long live well-intentioned and efficient government. Protector of the common good. –Jim Broede

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