Friday, April 29, 2011

Portraying fiction as fact.

Some polls show that up to 25 percent of Americans have doubts that Barack Obama was born in the USA. That’s incredible. But it shows that if enough people tell a lie repeatedly, eventually some people come to believe it. Despite the lack of proof. Despite the truth. Let’s face it. There are lots of stupid and gullible people in this world. Right here in America. Maybe they can read words. And speak English. But that doesn’t mean that they comprehend. Or think for themselves. Tell ‘em a lie, and they’ll believe it. Tell them that night is day and day is night, and a certain number will go along with it. Unquestioned. That’s why there are Republicans. Spouting falsehood after falsehood. About Obama. About the budget. About everything. Knowing full well that they can get away with portraying fiction as fact. –Jim Broede

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