Saturday, April 23, 2011

Paradise beckons.

I’m an optimist. Because a New York Times poll shows that Americans are becoming more pessimistic. And to that, I say it’s about time. It’s a good sign. Americans are starting to face reality. The hard truth. That they’ve been putting up with political tomfoolery for too long. It’s as if America has been run by idiots. Not only by three stooges. But multiple stooges. By the entire Republican Party. Time to recognize that we are on the path to hell. If not already in hell. Where there may be no escape. At least for some of us. Not me, of course. Because I know my way out. I have an escape route. Because I’ve fooled the devil’s disciples. Those Republicans. They can’t contain me like they contain stupid and pessimistic Americans. I don’t fall for their crap. Their labeling of Barack Obama as the anti-Christ. When it’s really Republicans that are all that’s evil and bad about America. So very many Americans are devil worshippers. Yes, beholden to Republicans. No longer knowing right from wrong. No longer knowing goodness from badness. No longer knowing intelligence from stupidity. We Americans have been cast adrift. We have been gullible. Hoodwinked by Republicans. Put to sleep. Finally, some of us are awakening. Finding ourselves in hell. I’d feel pessimistic, too. If there was no way out. But I have found an escape route. Even though I'm not afraid to return. For brief periods. To challenge Republicans. To make ‘em uneasy. And to let others know that I have found Paradise. All I have to do is get on a plane. And go. And in a few hours, I can be in Paradise. Knowing that I can live there for the rest of my life. Yes, on the island of Sardinia. In the Mediterranean Sea. The home of my true love. Nothing compels me to stay in hell. Paradise beckons. –Jim Broede

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