Friday, April 15, 2011

Some fanatics are beyond reach.

The most conservative of Republicans remind me of religious fanatics. Actually, in many cases, that’s what they are. Religious fanatics. And there’s nothing I detest more than a religious fanatic. Because they are totally uncompromising. They think they are right. And that everybody else is wrong. No self-doubts. Religious fanatics are dangerous. They’ll kill for their cause. In the same manner that Hitler would kill. They’ll try to exterminate the opposition. And they’ll do it by shouting righteous platitudes. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is that way. Maybe even Sarah Palin. But Bachmann is even farther to the right than Palin. More of a zealot. Which is scary. And what’s even scarier is that Bachmann was re-elected last November. In the very district in which I live. I have neighbors that voted for Bachmann. With a passion. Yes, I live in a dangerous neighborhood. With right wing zealots. That takes courage. But I’m no sissy. Occasionally, I get a direct call from Bachmann. Inviting me to join a conference call town meeting. So far, I’ve declined. Why? Because it’ll do no good. Bachmann is beyond reach. She’s crazy. A zealot. A religious fanatic. I try to steer clear of zealots and fanatics. I know that we should talk. And have a decent dialogue. But sad to say, fanatics like Bachmann are beyond reach. –Jim Broede

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