Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To be aware that life's profound.

I’m capable of getting lost. Within myself. By experiencing something mystical. By walking through an Italian village, for instance. Or strolling along a Mediterranean beach. I lose track of time. It’s as if I’ve entered another era. In the distant past. And I’m mingling with spirits. Very much alive spirits. Because spirits never die. They are forever. I’m in a different reality. A different dimension. It’s as if I’ve been given additional senses. Beyond the usual human comprehension. Maybe it’s that I lived in another time. And that I was here. On this very spot. Centuries ago. And I’m connected again. To another life. Another time. Maybe it’s all a coincidental thing. Or maybe it’s meant to be. I was supposed to return. To finish some business. Or to become aware. That life is profound. –Jim Broede

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