Saturday, April 9, 2011

We've been duped.

I’m for more social services. To make for better lives. Thus serving the common good. I think that people who need help, deserve help. And the true nature of society should be to provide help. For instance, in dealing with health problems. Such as Alzheimer’s. These are helpless people. They can no longer fend for themselves. Many go without adequate care. Or they are left in the hands of overworked, exhausted 24/7 care-givers. As a result, the care-givers often are in worse physical and mental condition than their patients. It’s absurd. Ridiculous. But that’s the way it is. Because of inadequate social services. Inadequate health care. Over 50 million Americans are without health insurance. We need socialized medicine. But we don’t have it. And millions upon millions of Americans are living in poverty. Despite the fact that the USA is one of the world’s richest nations. But the fact remains that the richest 1 percent control something like 40 or 50 percent of the wealth. Of course, we could siphon off some of their wealth to provide more social services. But it ain’t gonna happen. Because the wealthy want to remain extravagantly and obscenely wealthy. And they have the power. The rich also have many of us less affluent believing that they are entitled to their wealth. Because redistribution of wealth would be a form of evil socialism. And we’re all supposed to know that capitalism, especially American-style capitalism, is right and proper and good. Yes, we’ve been duped. Hoodwinked. Led astray. And I’m wondering if we’ll ever find our way. To a better society. –Jim Broede

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