Monday, April 18, 2011

Why hurry?

I like to do things at my own good-natured pace. No hurry. But I think I was brought up to hurry. To do things pronto. To get ‘em out of the way. My obligations. My chores. That was my mother’s credo. And the credo of many of my teachers, too. And I did pretty much as I was taught. But now I have learned to put up resistance to what I was taught. Because it was wrong. My proclivity is to slow down. To savor life. To put things off. Especially the not-so-important things. In other words, to focus on my priorities. And not to sweat the small stuff. And maybe not even to sweat some of the big stuff. Enjoy life. In a leisurely, slow-moving fashion. Why hurry? That’s a key question. I ask it often. And the answer is, no reason to hurry. Instead of doing five things today, I’ll settle for doing four or three or two or maybe only one. But I’ll do it good. Doing it the way it’s supposed to be done. Enjoying every minute. Unhurried. –Jim Broede

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