Monday, May 30, 2011

Government is our salvation.

I think government is necessary. And desirable. As a balance to private business. A balance to rampant capitalism. I want a socialist-leaning government. One that provides for the common good. A government that has a moral conscience. Because generally, the private sector doesn’t have a suitable conscience. Seems to me that capitalists put too much emphasis on making money. For individuals. Often with selfish motives. Rather than doing what’s best for society. Government has to step in if we are to have a fair and decent society. We need government regulation. And government financing. And government taxing. We need government to put a rein on things that tend to be bad for society. Such as the widening gap between the rich and the poor. We need government to provide security for the least of us. Seems odd to me that in a time when we need more government, we have conservative politicians calling for less government. Politicians that call government a beast that must be starved. When actually, government is our salvation. –Jim Broede

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