Monday, May 9, 2011

I can mingle with spirits.

I’m not sure that I like the notion of democracy. The idea that everybody has a voice in the decision-making. A vote for everyone. Because I sense that maybe the majority of us are stupid. Idiots. Nincompoops. Not knowing right from wrong. Truth from fiction. Easily manipulated. Fooled. Which often means that the lowest common denominator prevails. We are like sheep. We merely follow the rest of the flock. Of course, if we had a great leader, a great shepherd, all would be just fine. But our shepherds are evil. They are selfish capitalists. Opponents of the common good. So we sheep are led astray. Too often to slaughter. To exploitation. Because we are unable to think for ourselves. Unable to see the manipulation. As for me, I don’t really fully know what I am. Although for the moment, I don’t mind being a lone wolf. Wandering in a primeval forest. I’m not out to hunt. Sheep or anything. I don’t have to live on flesh. I can eat berries. I can mingle with spirits. –Jim Broede

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