Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm around to quell things.

If I’m in crisis, my true love doesn’t take me seriously. She seems to think that I never have a full-blown crisis. At most, I’m faking it. But let me tell you, I really do go into crisis. But I know how to get myself out of it. Before I go into a full-fledged nervous breakdown. Because I know how to get my act together. Therefore, some people are fooled. They assume that I always have full grasp of the situation. I really don’t. Not initially. But I swing into action. And find a solution to the problem. Quickly. Seldom takes more than a few hours. I like my true love to understand that I’m prone to crisis moments. But only moments. And that I handle situations well. Because I’m calm, cool and collected. She ain’t as calm, cool and collected. But she’s blessed. Because I’m around to quell things. Before they get totally out of hand. –Jim Broede

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