Sunday, May 29, 2011

The GOP deserves to go to hell.

It’s time for Democrats to tell Republicans to go to hell. Because enough is enough. The Republicans have been telling Democrats to go to hell. For a long, long time. By holding fast to their ideological positions. No compromise. When there’s been compromise, it’s been on the part of the Democrats. Because liberals tend to give more than conservatives. That’s the nature of liberals. To give in. To meet the opponent part way. If not half way. But one won’t find that happening with the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. In a sense, one has gotta admire them for their steadfastness. But it ain’t fair. In politics there should be give and take. A negotiated settlement. And if one side won’t budge – well, then they should go to hell. That’s where they deserve to be. –Jim Broede

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