Friday, May 27, 2011

Seeing what's around the corner.

I’m self-centered. In many ways. Which isn’t all bad. Because that’s a way of getting to know one’s self. By turning inward. I’d hate to go through life without knowing myself. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from knowing others. But if I were incapable of knowing myself, I’d be in no position to know others. Because I have to know how to relate. Based on what and who I am. I’m well aware that I’m not perfect. I have foibles. Many of which I recognize. Precisely because I know myself. And that helps me deal with the foibles. With the shortcomings. If that’s what they be. In a sense, I like my shortcomings. They make me different. And I want to be different. Because I was born to be different. It comes so naturally. All this may sound confusing. But once again, I like to be confused. Wandering in a labyrinth. Called life. Half the time I don’t know where I’m going. But that’s the thrill of it all. Seeing the grand and glorious surprises around the corner. –Jim Broede

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