Friday, May 27, 2011

Stupid people are the smart ones.

I think people get exasperated with me. Probably for good reason. Because I like to exasperate people. I do it on purpose. It’s a form of stimulation. Maybe I should use the term ‘annoy.’ I suppose ‘exasperate’ and ‘annoy’ are sort of synonymous. Could be that the world is full of people like me. Especially political pundits. They purposely stir the pot. That’s how they make a living. And get attention. Some of ‘em are downright stupid. And that’s a plus. For them. Because that’s even more exasperating, more annoying. It’s difficult being annoyed by an intelligent fella. Because he makes sense. But in this day and age, sounding intelligent can be boring. Puts people to sleep. Little wonder that stupid people are the smart ones. They get the attention. –Jim Broede

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