Friday, May 27, 2011

Makes life less complicated.

I’ve learned to accept the things I can’t change. Maybe the breakthrough came when my dear Jeanne had Alzheimer’s. I fought it for a while. Didn’t want to accept it. I was in denial. But as time went on, I learned to accept it. And deal with it. In positive ways. That was good for Jeanne. And good for me. I became a good care-giver. Actually, I enjoyed the role. Got a sense of satisfaction. Fulfillment. Love. Jeanne died. And I missed her dearly. But I got on with life. Accepting life as it is. And making the most of it. By being happy. By being a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal, a lover. Yes, I have learned to take control of things I can control. And accept things I cannot control. Makes life less complicated. And interesting, too. –Jim Broede

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