Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wish I knew how to worry.

I’m amazed when I start counting up the number of worry warts I know. Makes me think that the world is made up predominantly of worry warts. People who insist on worrying. About any and everything. They especially worry about things going wrong. Even over things that never go wrong. But they imagine that the sky is about to fall. And no matter how hard I try, they won’t believe me if I tell ‘em everything will be all right. Just go on living. Savoring today. Without all the unnecessary worry. But that causes some of ‘em to worry about me. Because I don’t worry enough. They suggest that I have no grasp of reality. And that the proof of it is that I don’t know how to worry. And maybe now that I think of it, that worries me a little bit. The fact that there may be something I don’t know how to do. –Jim Broede

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