Sunday, May 1, 2011

Totally bad thinking.

I think bad of people that think bad of other people. Can’t help it. Just my nature. That’s why I think bad of Republicans. Most of ‘em seem to be thinking negative thoughts all the time. Incessantly. Republicans even make up bad things. About Obama. About anybody they don’t particularly like. Such as black people. Seems to me that most Republicans only like white people. And then, only some of ‘em. If you are a white socialist, you don’t stand a chance with a Republican. You are condemned right from the start. As un-American. Little wonder that the late Joe McCarthy was a Republican. He set the tone that permeates Republicans today. That there’s a bogeyman in every closet. And that if you ain’t a Republican, you are bad. Not to be trusted. Of course, I think that’s bad. Terrible. Totally bad thinking. –Jim Broede

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