Monday, June 27, 2011

I like the thrill of losing.

I’m blessed to be a Chicago Cubs fan. Especially this season. When the Cubs are going nowhere. When they haven’t even managed a three-game winning streak yet. That means I can watch a game in a relaxed manner. No sweat. Even if they lose a heart-breaker of a game. Because really, it isn’t a heart-breaker. Just another loss. Because it’s a meaningless game. Doesn’t matter much if they win or lose. It’s just a game. And I can watch it as it unfolds. And keep asking myself, how will the Cubs find a way to lose this one? Occasionally, they surprise me. And win a game. Despite themselves. Yes, I understand how the Cubs have become known as loveable losers. We true blue Cubs fans would have it no other way. We really don’t want the Cubs to become enmeshed in a pennant race. It takes too much of an emotional toll. Because then when the Cubs lose a close or tough game, we anguish. We lament. Some Cubs fans even think about suicide. Not me though. I’m a tough hombre. I’ve learned to like the thrill of losing. –Jim Broede

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