Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I want the Cubs to play for free.

Some sportswriters in Chicago are criticizing Chicago Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano for lambasting his team. For playing stupid baseball. He even singled out specific players. One sportswriter said it would be best and wise to trade Zambrano, or to even just simply release him. Because he’s not promoting the proper team spirit. Proper camaraderie. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the Cubs need more players like Zambrano. Players that tell it like it is. Players that get pissed over the ineptness of the Cubs. They are playing lousy baseball. And Zambrano said as much. Not only that, the Cubs are playing stupid baseball. Zambrano said there are minor league baseball teams better than the Cubs. The Cubs, as a team, should be ashamed of themselves. For being relatively indifferent to their own ineptness. For going through the motions of playing baseball, and still having the audacity to accept their salaries. They ought to offer to play for free until the team starts performing at a major league level. –Jim Broede

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