Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'll take what I get, lovingly.

I’m trying to decide which weather extreme I like best. Thirty below zero in winter. Or the 100 degrees I’m experiencing today. Fact of the matter is that I like ‘em both. Because I like extremes. And everything in between, too. That’s the kind of guy I am. I make the best of whatever the situation. Might as well. Complaining doesn’t do much good. And it would go to show that I have a bad attitude. Despite the heat, I’m gonna do my minimum 30-miles-a-day on my bicycle. But I’ve started a little later than usual. After 5 in the afternoon. To beat the worst of the heat. Actually, I find it easier bicycling in sweltering heat than in frigid cold. Although, I do bicycle in the wintertime. When there’s not too much snow on the roads. Otherwise, I walk or jog or run. If I waited for so-called perfect weather to do my exercising, I’d not get enough exercise. I’ll even go out in a thunderstorm. Which I find quite stimulating, if not electrifying. I have great faith in the protection I receive from the Greek god, Zeus. Oh well, I won’t complain if we get a storm tonight. For the cooling effect. But I’ll take what I get. Because I’m in love with life. –Jim Broede

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