Friday, June 17, 2011

I was better off. Not knowing.

I pay attention to politics. But I’m thinking about ignoring politics. Because l can’t really have a significant effect on political outcomes. I’m just a lone voice in the wilderness. And even if my voice was heard, it won’t do any good. When I do get involved in politics, I tend to become annoyed. That’s why maybe it’s just best for me to steer clear of politics. And to not even listen to the rants of politicians. I could spend my time more productively. In pursuit of pleasure. Such as taking a walk in the woods. I spent last winter away from the U.S. In Sardinia. And that got me away from the American political scene. And I’ll tell you what. I didn’t miss the goings-on in Congress. Goes to show that I can live without knowledge of political happenings. Could be I was better off. Not knowing. Helped me keep my sanity. –Jim Broede

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