Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Making life easier for everyone.

I’m for the common man. The working man. The laborer. The guy that works hard. Physically. But doesn’t get paid a whole lot. But ekes out a living. He deserves respect. And social programs that help him get by. Such as Social Security and Medicare. Sure, maybe if the working stiff had a better education, he would have ended up in another profession and with higher pay. But hey, there’s nothing inherently wrong with the path of life that he chose. And to make life a little easier for him, it’s all right for society to provide assistance. Especially to help him in retirement years, and when he needs expensive medical care. It’s the decent thing to do. For government. And for society. To make life easier for the less affluent. To guarantee everyone the basic necessities of life. Regardless of income. Even in hard times. Yes, especially in hard times. That’s why I have no qualms about raising taxes on the super rich. To make for a better distribution of the nation’s wealth. To serve the common good. –Jim Broede

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