Friday, June 3, 2011

On accepting the unacceptable.

I accept the fact that some of the worst people in the world are drawn into politics. That’s the nature of politics. It’s a profession that draws power-seekers. Manipulators. People willing to lie and deceive to get what they want. Honest people tend to steer clear of politics. Many politicians are ego-maniacs. They like the allure of public office. The attention. The publicity. The celebrity status. Makes them feel privileged. And powerful. In some cases, they’re adored. By people of like-mind. And many of ‘em don’t care if they’re hated. By people of un-like mind. They are highly partisan. When really, it’d be best to look for objective and non-partisan solutions to problems. If we could find a way to take politics out of politics, we’d have a winning formula. Good and decent people would find ways to solve problems so that the common good is served. Rather than the good of special interests. Unfortunately, few good and decent people enter politics. And if they do, they often succumb to the corrupt system. They’re swept up in the smelly flow of sewage that runs through politics. Sadly, that’s the way it is. I accept this as fact. Knowing that there’s little I can do about it. Instead, I have to get on with life. Accept the unacceptable. And still find ways to make my life acceptable. Even happy. And joyous. And fulfilling. That’s why I have a true love. On which I focus most of my attention. –Jim Broede

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