Sunday, June 12, 2011

On the matter of passing the buck.

The federal government decides it won’t raise taxes. And essentially passes the buck. On down to state governments. To meet the needs of common folks, it’s then up to the state to raise money and taxes. Some states do. Some don’t. And if the states don’t, then it’s up to the local communities. To raise the property tax to meet dire local needs. That’s the way it works. When Congress refuses to even raise the income taxes of millionaires and billionaires, ultimately it’s the beleaguered middle class property owners that pay the freight. And our congress people and senators darn well know it. They’re merely passing the buck and the blame for higher taxes. On to city councils and school boards. For having the guts to do what’s decent and necessary. The serving of the common good. Rather than the good of rich people and special interests. Face it folks. Our property taxes are on the rise. Because mostly congressional Republicans refuse to raise income taxes on the rich. The people that can most afford higher taxes. –Jim Broede

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