Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We need another FDR.

I like the communal concept. People gathering together. To help each other. To provide the basic necessities of life. So little wonder that I prefer socialism over capitalism. Seems to me that people are the most free under socialism. Because they worry less about obtaining the basic necessities. Because the state provides. Things like health care. Schooling. Social security. Jobless benefits. And that allows one to pursue a life in which accumulation of vast sums of money ain't necessary. After all, one already has the basics. That’s true freedom. A bit like what I have now. In retirement. A pension. Social security. Medicare. The basic necessities. Allows me to focus on my pastime. As a writer. And on my personal relationship. With my true love. That’s real living. Without these social programs, I’d have difficulty surviving. And now Republicans would like to take away some of my Social Security and Medicare benefits. In the name of privatization. And I object. As do a vast majority of older Americans. Yes, we want socialism. Because it helps people. Like me. We ain’t monetarily rich. We’re just members of the middle class. And we like the New Deal politic brought in during the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our savior. And that’s what we need today. Another Roosevelt. –Jim Broede

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