Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why I trust the New York Times.

The New York Times has been labeled a ‘liberal’ newspaper. That is, by conservatives. But believe me, it ain’t. The Times is balanced. Like a good newspaper should be. The sad thing about conservatives is that anything that isn’t conservative is automatically classed as liberal. Yes, conservatives think that everything is divided into black and white. You are either liberal or conservative. Well, some people, and the New York Times included, are balanced. Fair to both sides. Even-handed. One doesn’t have to be blatantly for one side or the other. Conservatives, especially those on the far right, think you are either with us or against us. Friend or foe. That one can’t be fair to both sides. That’s why so much of America is so sharply divided. Conservatives (mainly Republicans) draw a line. I wish that weren’t true. But it’s reality, folks. I have to accept it. Until things change. Until conservatives/Republicans decide to be truly fair and balanced in deciding political issues. That’s why I generally trust the New York Times as a news source. And conservatives don’t. –Jim Broede

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