Monday, June 20, 2011

What does it mean to be totally free?

My two cats are sitting next to each other. By my open sliding glass door. Looking out. Through the screen. Observing. The wonders of nature. The wonders of the world. Oh, they’d probably like to go out. To explore. But they accept being indoor cats. They’ve learned to make the best of life. With my imposed restrictions. Some people allow their cats to go in and out. Yes, to have more freedom. But my cats have their claws clipped. And they’d have a tough time surviving outdoors. I wonder if I did the right thing. But I guess there’s a trade-off when it comes to freedom. I give the cats security. And loving attention. And they pay a price. The loss of some freedom. I surrender some of my freedom, too. For a little bit of security. Makes me wonder. What does it mean to be totally free? –Jim Broede

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